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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What Colour Is Yearning?

I was under the weather for a couple of days, which is never good, and it kept me out of the studio and from painting. However, it gave me the opportunity to watch a video for the second time. A friend had given it to me to watch and I enjoyed it even more the second time around. One of the things I liked about the video was the sound of loons on the lake. I always find this sound emotionally moving and the sound  seems to me to be filled with longing, with yearning. After my first viewing I began to wonder how you could portray this sound visually. The second viewing helped me to decide to use the extended branches of trees, which look to me as if they are reaching for something with longing. I got my sketchbook and pen, took them back to the couch and began. Once the trees were finished I added the rocks. The trilling characteristic of the loon's song repeats and ripples and the rocks seemed to do the same. Now I would like to paint this but I must make a decision....what colour is yearning?

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